Friday 25 November 2011


view of Il Duomo from the MacDonald's opposite!!
Milan has put on some glorious sunny skies for the past few days.  A top of a whole 12 degrees has made it almost balmy forthis time of year.

Tram from the 1920's
Garbage Art
 All places look better under blue skies, certainly making it more pleasant to wander around a city absorbing the atmosphere peculiar to it, observing the natives as they go about their daily lives.

There are some lovely parks here, all with lots of playground areas for the childen, some with playground areas for the dogs!

Yes, the Milanese, like the Parisians Love their Dogs!!

These two were accompanying their elderly owners who immediately sat down on the benches for a good chat.

How some of these dogs fit into the apartment living that is the norm in Milan puzzles me.  They obviously manage it and the dogs seem happy enough.

These patient creatures patiently wait for their owners whilst shopping in the 'mercato'.

Sit in the front seat whilst driving round
the city.

And enjoy themselves when let loose from their restrictive leashes for an enthusiastic run in the parks.



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