Monday 21 November 2011



On the road, pardon, the train, to Lyon.  The good thing about eurail pass is that it is nearly always first class.  The seats are better than the ones on the plane!!  It is such a genteel way to travel.

We sit in our seats, having arrived with plenty of time to spare, and watch everyone hurry, hurry, to get on the train.

Some stay on the platform till the last moment in order to enjoy the last cigarette for 2 whole hours.  Smoking is almost a national sport in France.

Some eat their baguettes whilst on the phone, presumably with last minute business deals or perhaps explaining just why they didn't walk the dog before they left this morning.
The guard stands by, ready to blow his whistle, encouraging the latecomers to hurry.

Paris slips past,

the beautiful
the ordinary

The whole experience is more relaxed.

They come round and ask you if you'd like to make a reservation for lunch.

Very civilized.

The scenery is lovely.

Green, undulating, delightful.

 In a short two hours we arrive at Lyon, Part Dieu Railway station.

Ready to explore this ancient place.

Au Revoir

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