After such a cold winter the warmer weather is a joy, not just for the warmth, but to see the burgeoning of life in the landscape around us.
Many more people are out with their families, dogs included! walking, running, strolling. just generally enjoying the balmier conditions.
The birds are in full voice. It is also time to 'beware' of the magpies who are very ready to dive bomb any unsusupecting passer by although most of us know their tricks and hope to avoid their attacks.
The light at the end of the day is almost irridescent as it washes over the light green haze of new growth on trees and grass.
Around every corner there is the delight of blossoms of all types and I have to restrain myself from stopping to photograph them all.
This past weekend being fathers day, I decided to make lots of muffins for the fathers at my church. All the mums received a rose on mothers day so it was only fair that the dads were not forgotten.
As one lady said about the muffins, 'this is a man rose'.
Muffins are so easy to make. I found a recipe many years ago in one of the cookbooks that brownie, scout and church groups put together with everyone's tried and true recipes. It was so successful that it is my muffin base for all flavours.
when deciding on what flavours to use for these ones, besides chocolate of course, I rummaged around in the cupboard to see what I had. There was some pineapple, shredded coconut, coffee leftover from the coffee maker that I can't bear to waste and had frozen. Oh yes and apple.
So we had pineapple and coconut, apple and cinnamon and coffee chocolate.

2 cups Self raising flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup sugar
1 egg
1 cup milk
2 tablespoons melted butter
Pineapple coconut:
1/2 cup of shredded coconut
1/2 cup of crushed pineapple
Apple cinnamon:
2 grated apples
1 teaspoon cinnamon
Coffee Chocolate:
1/4 cup coffee
1 cup choc chips
2 tablespoons cocoa
*Sift dry ingredients and mix
*add dry flavourings
*combine milk, butter and beaten egg
*add to mix with wet flavourings
*mix till combined with a wooden spoon
*spoon into muffin papers in muffin tins
Bake in a moderate oven for 12-15 minutes
Hope you all enjoyed your fathers day
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