A friend had asked
me to provide a plate of goodies for an afternoon tea over the weekend. So wanting to do something a bit special, both for the afternoon tea and to give myself the pleasure of baking them, I decided to revisit the lemon meringue cupcakes which I had made for mothers day morning tea back in May.
The last time I made them I did everything on the one

As strange as it might seem, I enjoy the ritual/intricacy of making Italian meringue. Somehow the extra attention to a more challenging recipe is therapeutic. Okay, not when it is a disaster, but still you learn from everything.

Saturday morning the weather was much warmer than it had been for the previous week and I was able to throw open the windows whilst I began my final preparations.

I return to the mixmaster, the mixing bowl is still hot but the meringue doesn't look as silky as a few moments beforehand. When the mixer is stopped and I lift the beaters, I realise that I have overbeat the meringue and it is quite brittle. aaarrrggghhh!! oh well.

Next time I will watch it more closely.I actually forgot to take a photo of the apricot slice. I had to rush and go to the airport that afternoon so that's my excuse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have been taking most of my finish photos in front of a large window in my kitchen which provides lots of light and also using a book by Mary Moody called 'The Long Table" - 'my love affair with food '- which has delightful photographs also providing a lovely backdrop. I have tried to use only the ones that have no people in them